Connective tissue massage
The connective tissue massage affects the body cover. This therapy treats the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, ligaments and tendons. The connective tissue massage is based on a natural stimulation of the central nervous system and the entire hormonal system. It also creates a reflex effect on the function of the internal organs. The patients are treated with mechanical stretching stimuli and with the help of a certain manual therapy. The idea behind these techniques is that the treatment not only triggers local effects, but also: long-distance effects on internal organs can be achieved through nerve irritation such as reflexes. The connective tissue massage differs fundamentally from other techniques that work with reflex zones; Tension and pressure on the skin and subcutaneous connective tissue are exerted gently.
arterial and venous circulatory disorders
Diseases of the heart
Respiratory diseases
Kidney and horn disease
Digestive system disorders
Nervous system disorders
gynecological disorders
in all post-operative, post-traumatic, orthopedic cases such as fractures, spinal disc damage, osteoporosis, arthrosis, paralysis and acute low back pain